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Introducing Brainshark’s New Learning Progress Tracker

Mar 12th, 2018

Tracking our individual progress has been instilled in our daily routines. We want to know how many views our blog posts get, how many deadlines we’ve met, and even how many more steps we need to walk before we reach our fitness goal for the day.

This craving to view our progression is sought in everything we do – and it’s easy to see why. Tracking helps us visualize our goals, prioritize our time and reflect on our achievements. While we don’t often give it much thought, we’ve grown to expect such capabilities from the technologies we use and base our experience off the results.

This is especially true for sales organizations. Sales readiness, of course, doesn’t take place within the confines of a single event; it’s an ongoing, continuous process. The challenge some companies face is finding a simple way to engage reps and track their individual readiness progress without straining resources from management – a challenge that inspired Brainshark’s new learning enhancements.

We recently introduced the Learning Progress Tracker, one of many new features on our redesigned My Enrollments page. With the Progress Tracker, learners can view their workflow progress with an interactive tracker that guides them on their formal training path. This new component has clear indicators of enrollment status and due dates – making it an engaging tool for learners to access all their prioritized learning assignments from one central location.

When a learner is assigned a course or curriculum with a due date, it will instantly appear in the learner’s progress tracker. Items in the progress tracker are listed in order of their due date to ensure learners always know what’s due next and where to prioritize their time. Icons are used to represent either a course or curriculum, so reps can quickly identify the assignment type.

To help learners track the progress they’ve already made, each assignment is represented with a different color chevron that reflects its status. Blue is for assignments that are new or have not been started, yellow is for incomplete, and green represents completed. If an assignment isn’t completed on time, a past-due icon will appear next to it to alert reps that they’re falling behind.  

My Enrollments Page Enhancements

In addition to the Progress Tracker, there are many other features to be excited about on the new My Enrollments page. 

A new To-do section gives learners quick access to the information and tools they need to direct their actions. They can see the number of assignments they’ve been assigned that need to be completed, the percent already completed, and access all earned certificates for quick downloading without needing to go back into an assignment.

The bottom of the page is where learners can view all their enrollments – including self-enrolled items and ones they’ve been assigned by their manager that don’t have a due date. By separating these enrollments from ones in the Progress Tracker that have a due date, learners can view the page at a glance and know what to prioritize. Filters can be used to view current enrollments, all enrollments, or completed enrollments so they can maintain their learning goals and visualize accomplishments.

The Brainshark Progress Tracker and redesigned My Enrollments page makes it easier than ever for managers to clearly communicate when assignments are due, gives them more control to organize learning paths, and arm reps with the technology they need to track their progress and achieve results.

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